Friday, July 8, 2011

To focus on daily life to prevent acne six elements

Acne is a recurring problem that plagues many people's skin, acne is inflammation of the sebaceous hair follicles, often occurs in adolescence, adolescents, young people, but not the patent, there will be adults, occurs in the face, chin, front chest or back, have acne, pustules, papules, nodules or cysts, and other forms. As unsightly acne and easy to relapse, but also left no pigmentation or even a lifetime to recover a small pit, a profound influence on the face, people are likely to feel depressed, lose self-confidence, often in the psychological cause of regret than the disease itself more profound. The face of intractable acne, prevention is better than cure, acne prevention should focus on six elements of daily life.

    The causes of acne is quite complicated, traditional Chinese medicine, president of acne on the skin, mainly because the body heat flaming, outside the blood caused by pathogenic wind heat or hot and humid, due to resistance Yun in the skin, and finally evolved into the proliferation of acne . Do not follow the Chinese language, said the causes of acne and sebaceous gland hyperactivity general, endocrine imbalance, exports of hair follicle cells keratosis disorders, genetic factors, sebum discharge blocked Jie relationship. In addition, if you eat spicy, fried, sweet food, or the sun often, emotional stress, lack of sleep, mental stress, acne bacteria infections, also may trigger acne.
    To focus on daily life to prevent acne six elements:
    Do not hand squeezes acne, to avoid deterioration of the affected area infected;

    Note the skin clean, avoid the use of oily cosmetics or contain silty, so be sure to use makeup thoroughly clean to avoid clogged pores, acne aggravating circumstances;

    Do not eat greasy, grilled, fried and spicy foods, eat less fatty foods, sugar, cola, coffee, alcoholic beverages, seafood and shellfish and other foods may cause acne worse;

    Clean hair and scalp regularly to keep hair clean and dry, there are troubled by the need for early treatment of dandruff, hair is best not to cover the face, but also frequently change and wash bed linen;

    Eat more fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and fiber foods, yogurt oats to maintain intestinal health, overcome constipation;

    To maintain a pleasant mood, relax facial muscles, giving the skin time to repair itself, not impatient anxiety.

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