Friday, July 8, 2011

Eyeliner brush and eyeliner brush effect

We often say in the make-up eyeliner brush them play what role?
Eyeliner brush with the benefits of where is it? Under what circumstances do we need to use the eyeliner brush? Daily life, how to maintain eye liner brush it? I was eleven below to explain these issues.

Eyeliner brush, literal meaning, is used to lash brush. But with a liner brush itself is not color, but with water-soluble liner or eyeliner to the lash line with a special make-up tools. Basically, the eyeliner brush texture will be divided into mink or nylon, will be more hard texture, with strong flexibility.

Eyeliner brush brush brush is also divided into short and slender bristles flat two. Basically, the flat to better control the number of short bristles, and more smoothly with them. Good eyeliner brush, eyeliner can even picks up the color and use color uniform, smooth. Choice, depends on the part of the wool is tight, there is no bifurcation of the appropriate.

Eyeliner makeup brush out of the cleaner side effect, color faster, more accurate, but not in the use of eyeliner so well controlled. Therefore, the proposed make-up novice to start with a pencil or better.

Remember, eye liner brush after each use, to be wiped with a clean paper liner brush on the excess residue, a period of time, use the piece of cotton dampened with Eye and Lip Makeup Remover children cleaning brush.

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